Here's to Aiyu!

I love the bow! I have been thinking of buying some/one.
i saw it at Jurong point and it was 3 bucks, pretty expensive for someone like me.
But after checking other stores, i think i might get one there, it's
at the chinatown area.. Yup, just telling if you want to buy too,
I love how relax and comfortable her outfit looks.

So far with my short hair, i can't style it in anyway except like this^.
So, i'm getting bored with the bandana's and the fact that my fringe is constantly
on my forehead is making me very irritated, plus, it is making me have a horrible
forehead with pimples. :C that is not good at all. I need bobby pins.
So, today at home, we watched Tron, Season's of the witch and Morning Glory.
I would never thought of saying this, but TRON, is hellamazing. Like seriously.
The effects, the colour, the ships/bike/props was badass.
I am so totally amazed by it, and i would most definitely rate it 4/5.
Simply because, one of the character looked too cartoony.
Yes, i love to be a critic.
As for Morning Glory, I am very happy that they picked Rachel Mc adam to play
the lead role, she plays a very good "Zikkah like" attitude.
Always thinking positive, also to higlight, she played a badass bitch in Meangirls.
So, she is very versatile not like Anne Hathaway.
Sorry to anyone who loves her, but i just realised that all of her roles that she
played was the same, i meant her acting.
played was the same, i meant her acting.
The same like seriously, go check them out, or it might just be me..
SO i'll rate the movie 4/5.
I can't give it a 5, but you should catch it.
So while watching the movies, me and bro cooked and ate at the same time.
I ate this delicious piece of watermelon, yummy.
While bro, looking like a kid, was eating his lollipop with crackling.
Alright, right now enjoy this video of Russel Kane.
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