The face has a sepet eye with an '0' mouth
So the ugly.
*konon2 nak buat mcm tatoo tapi tak jadi*
So since today i had no dnt,
or i was suppose to come but nvr.
I woke up at 10 am.
Syiok gilerrr.
Then mandi gedebak gedebuk.
11.30 siap2 go out with mum.
Reached at the bus interchenge at JP.
Saw, John, Azman, Syahrizad and Jin Wei
All dnt students except jon.
Never go dnt. hahaha
So then jalan2 from botom to top
of JP at the old one.
Then Top to down at the new one.
Mummy's leg was aching and she was sleepy.
So could not stay there longer.
so quickly went to rubi as i really wanted that shoe.
Me: Mak nak beli kasot! $15, half price!
Mak: Tak payah lah brape byk kasot kau ade?
Me: ala baru empat pe, tu pon lain2,
Satu sport shoe, satu kasot hitam, Satu kasot pallas.
(actually i had one more, orange colour $1)
Mak: Haizz, belik lah. gi cepat.
Me: ok lahh takpe. Ni tak ikhlas aje.
Mak: Nak beli tak nak
Me: heeee
So i quickly bought the shoe.
I wanted the flora one cos like different from others.
Then pikir2
If hujan then i want go from A to B.
Then muddy, kotor and i will look like gardener.
What a mind.
Then went to buy makan cos mak terpingin(?)
Then go home.
Sleeep until 6.
Tapi syiook.
mandi, smbyg, mkn , yasin
Then on com.
Shout out:
Andy - I'm sorry i cannot follow you.
signing out,
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