watching tv abt autistic kids, i broke my cekak.
I wanted to use it but nvr had the chance.
Zikkah:Jauh nye Arni.
Me: Abeh, nak nampakkan kau pe.
Takkan nak amek gmbr nampak stengah badan?
Me: Better?
Zikkah: Much better.
Me: you din know that the school was this nice right?
Zikkah: ya, hahahaha.
like a torture chamber,that thing on
the table is a bend saw,
scary much??
Okayy, so today went to school to finish up on
my orthographic drawing
I almost did finish it
until i realise, the slider was not right.
So i waited for Mdm Chua.
From 2pm to 8pm.
So i came early at 9.30 to sch
Went to the workshop to take my artefact so can draw better.
Then it was locked and Kanchana was like.
"mam chua not here yet."
Then my reaction was like wth?
So i walked my way to lab3 incase it was open
but saw Ruby and Syahrizad chating.
So i joined in the fun.
Then Syeerah and Asyraf came and joined,
then we chatted and imagine what it would be if
we still continued talking at 5.00
and mdm chua still not here.
Then asyraf got bored and fascinated by water.
he drew syeerah, very ugly.
Then we saw haszrul
and was laughing cos we thought he was
struggling to open the door when infact he was able to enter.
Then everyone laugh at our dumbness,
So we all run towards the door.
But i was terkejot by Ruby's scream.
Her artefact broke for no reason.
The first thing i did was laugh at her
*now laughing*
He- le- ri-ou-us
What a friend.
Then did drawing.
Waited for cher,
still no sign.
So i did my folio.
I found out i have 21 parts for my artefact.
Boleh mati lohh
So i wait and wait and wait.
Then helped Zikkah clean her acrylic and felt
jealous at Liyana'sartefact
because of the little scartches available
(i sound like a pirate)
Yah so , it went on and on and on.
Then cher helped other children
Ehh salaah other students.
So continued to scare Zikkah.
i still remember going
At her and Diyana.
How fun was that?
Until Zikkah scared me back.
I was like friggin scared.
My face like shit.
And after dad i was ROFL.
cannot help it.
So yah, then it became 7.30.
You know how dark the school was,
Then me and Zikkah heard a baby cry.
I showed my scared face then Zikkah ran.
I was laughing my ass off man,
Funny lah Zikkah.
Okay , going to like watch MJ
performance on ch5.
Shout out:
Andy - sorry i update so slow.
Fiqq and Elli- I don't think i can go out on sunday
i want to do my dnt o levels.
Signing off,
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