Alright guys. I just came back home from watching Transformer dark of the moon. Personally i think it was not the best but it was still worth your money. Okay, so it started with Labeouf with the the new chick. I thought that she would take over Fox's character but instead they introduced a new character. Good job with the cover up guys.
i was kind of shock as Rosie huntington(new chick) was speaking in a british accent, then they explained that Labeouf broke up with Fox. So, then a new character was introduced, patrick dempsey, he played as the boss of Rossie and was rather flirtatious. So, the whole movie was very slow. It was like reading a short 'red riding hood' story very slowwwwwwly. So it was 2 and a half hour.
Okay, so megatron made allies with the other robot, (what was his name?!) which then tricked Optimus to give life to that robot and then that robot stab his back. wakwakwak.
Aww so sad, so thing is, megatron wants to take over the earth and make the humans slave while the other dude just wants to build their robot city back and optimus wants to protect the humans. So in the middle of the story where the climax was, there were some moments which i felt was kind of 'wrong'.
So, there was this bridge which only that robot could control , so he places it all over the world, when infact it's just america,thailand and hong kong. Then that robot controlled a sum of robots, the decepticons and killed innocent people in America, oh my, so scary. At this point i was feeling like it's turning into 'the end of the world' movie, which was disappointing. So, like i said, they placed the bridge at those three different locations but the lazer-beam-bridge-thing, only beamed in America and then, soldiers start appearing from nowhere.
That was kind of weird, so at one point the beaming lazer was stoped as something/someone shot it. But it was still alive, it was 'fainting' then the evil patrick held it up, and the beaming continued, oh at that point in time, optimus was stuck hanging on ropes. (-,-)". So then all the autotbots were caught by the decepticons and there was a short seen of them being emotional. Then two little robots came to the rescue wiht raining robots, woohoo. So then optimus was saved and his right hand was cut, so tangan kodong.
Oh hell yeah, i'm spilling the beans..
Then, bumblebee shot the bridge, one pillar only, (you need all 100). And the lazer stoped beaming, and the robot city was destroy, which makes no sense at all. I thought it would be more dramatic with a whole 20+ pillar needed to be shot down but it was not. So, America(only one part of it, Chicago i think) was like affected with buildings tumbled and bodies incinerated. And optimus killed his brother, the end.
Now, what i'm thinking is, What the fuck happens to the other decepticons that were transported to the earth, i'm sure they would frigging kill the autobots, but NO, it just end that way. Haish, the ending was saddening it was suppose to be epic with frigging explosions and sound effects, but it was all normal. Ohh, and the comedy was still there, which kinds off made the movie better.
And also at one point in time, Labeouf was being pulled by starscream and was like err, "thrown", at that point you could see it was a fake cartoon. Okay the end.

3/5 stars.
I can't wait to watch Harry Potter and Captain America and The avengers.
I'm gonna do a review after i watch it. Gonna sleep, and study. Maybe. Ok bye!
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