So, i'm going to try my best to post a really short simple and informative post about what has been happening since i have been in school. I believe that my grades are slowly going down instead of up. My UT results are not up to par with my expectations. I attended the ALC, adventure learning camp last Thursday and was happy that i did. I was rather disappointed that we were not allowed to try the high elements,rock climbing as well as the pitch black pipe thing. We basically just did abseiling as well as the "trust" thing. It was as if i had to kill myself by jumping of a building but there were people there to catch me.
After which one of my girl mate had a breakdown so i was there to help her and shared some of the feelings that i experience too about myself and like tell what i dislike about myself but in the end we have to love ourselves no matter what we say because words can't bring us down. So we told each other to be strong and love your self.
Any who, the main reason why i put up the photo above is to really just talk about the shoe, my palazs jazz are already torn, they can still be used but i wnt a new one basically. I't's just annoying to have a hole there and you can feel your toes peeping out of the shoe trying to see the outside world. My other mate was saying that she will be buying converse shoe while i think i want to buy the same shoe that i am using which is of course palaz, it last very long and is cheap. Okay, next information.

So, right now i feel like batman not because i am speaking like him but instead, i have two koyoks on my neck making me hard to turn left or right,my neck is so painful, my shoulders are stiff and my perut area feels like they are growing Abs. Oh my effing god. Thank god we don;t have PE in poly otherwise i will just suffer.
I have been arriving to school late lately, that sounded weird, whatever. So that is making me lose my A's god, i need those A's. Oh yah, today was the class photo-taking day. Not everybody was here so it was not as joyous as we wanted it to be. Although i am quite please that we sort of had a colour code which is white,blue and black. Coolness. I had loads of fun with my mates. I totally love my class way more than my sec class.
Anywho, isn't this shoe, above so freaking awesome. It's like freaking spiked and like protective. I can like freaking kick someone and they'll never mess with me again. EVER! Just joking. I just bought the latest Female magazine. I was so excited until i found out that it mostly consist of interview. So i will need to read it in more detail. I will try my best to post some of the photos of my mates.
I can't believe my short,simple and informative post turned out to be LONG. So i will end it here, i'm gonna do my RJ tomorrow.
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