Awwwww. So sweet . The colours just fantastic. Can i call it love bird?
form tumblr.

So cute.
So, i am really disappointed at myself. I did not control myself. This is what i fear if i don't have control in life. That sucks. I need to have a schedule/organiser. If not i'm never going to improve or do better in life. I always procastinate. I mean everybody does this but seriously. It has to stop. Besides Test are coming and this sucks. My memory is not that good too. I don't want my grades to flop but i am just getting lazier as time pass. Why? Because of television or internet.
Actually, it's because of me. It's my braaaaaaaaaaaaaain. I'm thinking of making a memory book. Hahaha i do not know what to call it. Like i will paste all the movie tickets in it and hopefully one day when i get old i will touch it and relive those memories. One thing i don't like aboout technology is that now, since we don't use films anymore but instead we use memory chips. We don't usually print our photos but we put it in our computer or internet. But we wont look back at it. Maybe we will but not often.
In the past, we use to be so happy when festivities come. We would be in awe when someone has a camera and taking photo wisely as we can't delete films. Then we would get so excited and go to the photo printing shops with our parents and start to print everything wait for a day or two. Pay the person. Get an album paste it in. Look back on all the photos developed and laughed over it with your family. Gosh i miss those moments. We are getting lazier as time pass.
See. see.see. I mean we can still print them lah but do you still do it? Okay maybe some of those people who loves photography. Haish. *flips hair* Haiya. Procrastinate je.. Here watch this video by charlie explaining why we procrastinate. On the other hand. Those who are in RP, good luck on your UTs. And, can someone help me explain on how i can make a new password. Freaking out here. Nobody is even layan-ning me on Facebook. So sad.
Goodbye, sparkle boy is on tv.
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