To start , we have Valentino.

This is one of the bags that was designed that i seem to like.
Partly because it has both feminine side as well as manly side.
My english sounds so poor.
I really like that it is elegant, small and somewhat rough.
I have repeated that twice now, I cannot be a fashion editor/writer.
So here is the pricing: 1,710,00 pounds.
It is really expensive, i know but this is the price you get for a branded bag.
I think what might have increased the price is the fabric that is being use
as well as how well and meticulous the placing/sewing of the studs.

This is another piece that i like, a wristlet.
Mainly because of the fabric and the light colour.
Also this piece has some studs on it to add just a tiny edge.
It would go well if you wished to just go out for a dinner
and bring nothing but your phone and some cash.
Here's the pricing : 950,00 pounds.
Pretty big for something so small.
But if you have that much money and wished to have a spree
then go ahead.

In the shoes section i only liked the lacey ones.
I think that out of all of them i prefer these.
It's really elegant and simple and that bow/ribbon adds a
little drama in the whole shoe itself.
The price: 770,00 pounds.
If it was 77, i would buy it. but then will i wear it?
I'm not sure. Next!

I can't seem to run away from studs.
This is an edger version of the one above.
Definitely nice on a simple dress while the shoe gets
the attention. A peep toe heel that is at the price of
815,00 pounds.
A few dollars more, considering the fact that they
put studs on it. So you have to pay the price for it.

This is one of many dresses that was featured in Female magazine worn by
Singapore's model. She looked so elegant in it.
It can look dressy and casual at the same time.
I really admire the detail that Valentino paid attention to.
I love the embellishments and how girly it looks.
Price: 4,555,00 pounds.
Pricey,pricey. But with the details being put in the dress.
I would pay for it, why? because of how delicate the fabric looks.
And how the person that has to sew all of that details on, it looks
friggin awesome.

Here is another dress that looks so simple and detailed.
If i would be a young growing actress in Hollywood, i would wear this.
Very formal but dressy enough for oscars.
But ofcourse, I'm only an actress in Secondary school.
Boooo! Anyway, here is the
price: 4,555,00 pounds.
The same as the one above.
Maybe i'd rather buy the dress above this rather than this
as i just prefer the above dress. Woohoo.

I love the colour combination of this dress.
The colour pallete is so soft.
It's somewhat a really light colour blocking.
An the prints are nice. So is the fabric.
It looks so smooth and soft.
With that dress, accompanied by many details and
colour, i'd choose a simple clutch or a small sling bag.
Price:3,825,00 pounds.
For a simple printed dress like this, the price is slightly
lesser as it does not need that much manpower to do
the details or embellishments like the ones above.
Hence the pricing is fair enough.

I love the colour of this dress.
I'll call it a beach dress, that dress does not exist.
But i like how simple it looks and how smooth and silky the
fabric is. I would pair this dress with a contrasting coloured
shoes and clutch to colourblock.
Price:2,125,00 pounds
Seeing that the dress is so simple of course the price is simple too.
Next up is Ralph Lauren.

I really like how chic this jumper looks.
The print is nice as well as the colour.
Look at how she dress up, with the shades and a huge bag.
Your done.
Price: US$698
Since it's casual, the price is cheaper than Valentino.
Yeah, i would buy it. But i'll check out different stores
like bugis or arab street for a save.
Even if it does not have the same colour or print.
I'll try my best to dress it up.

It might look a bit too dressy for singapore but
metallic fabric is in now. So it will fit in the trend.
It looks boho-ish. Since the dress is in one block colour/metalic
pair it up with a print clutch is a ok.
If i buy this i would have hundreds left in my bank.
koyak kocek aku nanti.

For the guys who hopefully read my blog.
Above, the willkins leather jacket looks so good.
If they have it in my size i would buy it.
But of course i'll go out and survey for a cheaper one.
Mahal siooooooooooooool.

Now for this, pay attention to the pant.
I like how slick it looks.
I think i used the wrong word.
But it looks good casual and formal.
Okay la, but i'd rather buy Lee's.

This too, look at the pant not the shirt.
I like how they rolled the pant up to make it look preppy.
If you don't want to roll up then just let it be.

Pay attention to the jacket.
I love the texture!
It looks so good
I am rushing now because American idol is on.
Paul Smith

I like how you can dress up and down with a shirt like this.
You could layer it and roll up the sleeves.
Or you can tuck it in and look preppy with a rolled up pant
and one of those oxford shoes.
Put on some geeky specs on and you'll loook fashionably
good. Price: 120.83 pounds
Whoooooop That's expensive.
But since it's a brand and the fabric looks really comfortable.
It's still okay. If you want cheaper try giordano or net.

I like how simple and clean cut it looks.
It may look formal.
But you can pull of those mods looks or
use it as an interview shirt when searching for jobs.
Price: 75 pounds.
Much better to see.

Trench coat!
This reminded me of what Blake would wear.
Aiyu knows who i'm talking about.
I like the colour and the detail.
Price:570,66 pounds.
For burberry, of course lah mahal.

I like the detail at the top.
It might be small but it's nice.
Just sleep this on and a pair of jeans.
Put on a long beanie, you are done.
Going to school, use a haversack.
Price:196,16 pounds.
Really WOW. But nice what.

I like the fabric and the colour.
Very nice, i don't know what else to say.
Rushing rushing.
Price:104.17 pounds.
Mahal tapi lawa.
Christopher Kane

I was excited to find out that there is a brand that is eyeing on mans
where even though i'm a woman.
But i was disappointed when i went to the website it only has 8
shirts. -,- sedih untuk kaum lelaki.
BUt i really like the prints that he has on the shirt.
Go buy the pants from Ralph Lauren sudah.

Galactic print makes me feel as if i'm floating in spacce.
I purposely spelled it like that.
Nice prints nice price: $375

I don't know what prints this is.
It reminds me of volcano.
It's very casual so yeah.
This is the end of my fashion post.
This is my view. I purposely posted up
expensive ones and branded clothes.
I'll try my best to post another one for a
save fashion post. Hopefully when school starts.
I'll get my school pocket money i can start saving for
a shopping spree! And i'll make a haul post!
I am so psyched for Tomorrow!
I'll tell you more about tomorrow, tomorrow.
I'll post up pictures.
Omg, i am so excited that i might not sleep.
So happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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