I'll explain on the Eiffel Tower later

This too.

And this.
Okay, so like today i woke up pretty early.
I hated it, i slept at 3 yesterday!!!
But i can't blame anybody else except myself.
I'm posting today's post pretty early,
cos later will be going to masjid and stuff.
Soo, I have been thinking of doing a "make over"
to my room, I asked mum if i could repaint my room.
She was like SURE! but paint it yourself.
Thanks mum, but seriously, I'll die by the time i finish painting.
If i can't then maybe i'll just rearrange the whole room cos,
i arranged it this way as i was sitting for my Os.
So i need a space for me to do my revision and stuffs.
In order for me to do that, i must face the table and
not the television! Ding,
Also, instead of two beds in my room.
Side track: Bro,was at the door, so i dashed to open it,
i came back to my room noticing that my laptop
restart without me knowing.
I was sooooooooooooooo pissed.
But luckily, google chrome always restore whatever you were doing
If you accidentally turned it off or whatever.
Thank god!!!!!
Okay back.
Since Yayi is no longer here, i am using his bed,
which is way more nicer and "new"
My katil is twice it's hight because we like put it on top
of each other. :D
So, i really feel like rearranging everything
to make my room look more Poly-ish.
I want to hang my photography pictures,
light bulb
I got this awesome idea.
I have like photography pictures that i bought from ikea.
It's all on my wall, hanging.
SO i was thinking, how about having this little.
Gallery. SO maybe i'll put all the photo's on one corner
And hang my pictures that i took.
Then i can like have this like "rack"
to put all of my magazines.
I'm planing to buy those expensive magazines when i
go to poly, just because, i LOVE fashion.
So, then it'll be my little chill out corner.
Then i'm planing to make my dresser like those
film studios/make up room.
You know with the like light bulbs hanging out.
I feel like drawing all of this things in my sketch book.
I want to redecorate my room.
I was thinking of varnishing my shelf
or like pasting collage.
Idk. I really need to work when i'm in poly man.
I want to make my room like HEAVEN!
OMG, i'm blabbering.
So i wanted to like print the Eiffel tower.
Just like a small one will do.
Cos i want to go there some day.
And maybe as my hair grows long,
i was thinking of cutting it like the girl
in the second picture.
It looks so cute!
The third picture is like a hat that i want
except more err, different.
Andy has it, maybe someday i pinjam from her.
I can wear that with like my black dress.
But i still need a faded denim jacket.
Okay i'm done for today, is the post long?
Sorry for boring you.
Go kick some ass!
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