Two door cinema club.
Thanks to Andy Skive.
I am listening to an awesome band.
To me, their music is sorta soft rock?
I don't know how to say..
You got to listen to their song and you'll understand.
I have no idea at all
I am not a poser, i am just posting some awesome
bands so you guys can listen to their awesome music.
Don't be shock when i type rock.
It's not hardcore at all, trust me.
It's like click five but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
more better.
Click five to me became popular because of
their pretty faces.
Like seriously, i prefer awesome instruments
and killer vocals.
Okay guys, what i have been doing from just now
is use my facebook.
However i have chores to do.
Since i don't have a job
or rather, i can't have a job.
Chores are the next best thing to do.
When your bored.
If i'm done i'll prolly
Strum on my uke
or i'll jast watch more old movies.
Gonna use the free movie tickets tommorow
and hopefully if can, watch RED with mum.
I want to ajak abg but he rather play
badminton with his buddies.
I'd go with someone else but i'm to
lazy to wait for their replies.
Like seriously.
Why? Because they are either working,
sleeping, surfing or living.
Idk i think i'm just lazy.
Whatever, bye guys.
Anything interesting to tell me?
Text me !
Alright, ironing clothes time
See ya!
Signing off,
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