So i watched Narnia blablabla.
With Andy, Elli and Fiqq.
10 bucksk?!
I forgot it was a sunday -.-
The movie was friggin awesome.
Like most "linkage-y" movies.
You must catch the previous part
to really understand what happened.
So jyeaah.
One of the character's acting was superb.
Lucy, in the movie was so beautifull.
Caspian, he looked more like,
whats that other movie?
something about the prince laaaa.
It's from a gamee,
Gawd, my bro played that game.
Haizz forgot.
I feel like i want to play blackshot!
Cheh no.
So yeah, the movie has a moral to it.
I can't remember that much.
So yupp.

So i took a whole lot of photos of my ductape wallet.
Yes, you read it right.
Duct tape wallet.
I made it in like a few hours.
Freaking addictive,
i need to buy more duct tape.
Mum's wallet is like halfway.
So jyeahh.
I'm using it as my wallet
cos it is just so
friggin cool lahhhh.

So the contractors are going to build a lift.
At the carpark.
It is soo going to be noisyyy.
But yah.
Mom is just soo cuteeee.

I can't remember when,
but i cooked mee hongkong.
Sedap and senang i tell you.
So yah.

I really can't remember when, but
we cleaned our store room.
Loads of history in there la.
Found some cool things,
retro, new.
So once, mum took out his tikar,
then there was a cockroach.
She panic-ed and quickly took a broom
and wacked it on the floor.
Instead of killing the roach.
She killed the broom.
The broom stick broke in half.
So the whole family stared and
started laughing or ass off.
Until i cried.
So then we substitute the stick with the
previous mop's stick.
And it is friggin long.
Like a palm shorter than me.
Long right??/

So abang took this bag and said he wanted to use for poly.
I thought it was fashionably cool.
It is made of tikar and it is from serawak.
I din know this, but dad went to Bali when he was
a bujang, So awesome la.
Being dudes, you can like go anywhere you want la.
Jadi perempuan, so many things to worry.
Next item.

I din realise that i took a photo of my
legs too.
So i took this bag,it looks real simple and retro.
in Very good condition.
I'm gonna use it!

Ohh, then i found this cool tape cleaner thing.
At my time, cds were in.
So tapes were like out.
I was like buadak jakon.
I pressed the start button lah .
oh i also just realised that
i have a friggin boombox in my home.
See how awesomeeee is my dad.

Then i found this really old
rustic retro bag.
I was like
*gospel music*
OMG, mak, lawanye.
eeee. da burok dik, ape yang lawa.
So a moment there .
I was kinda happy that dad kept the bag and said that it was still
in good conditions.
sound effect : *DING*

After banquet, we went to eat Yammi youghurt,
Fiqq blanja me cos i blanja her drink.
LOLS. She put walnut.
The peach youghurt was just
Kid's voice : yummy!

Elli's topping was the colourful cereal.
I forgot te name.
She bought the small one.
Tasty too.
So went back home,
I'm puasaing tommorow.
have an awesome day.
Signing off