SO zikkah, this is ANDY and ME
so, today i arrived home with a really bad mood.
Why? 4v7 this 4v7 that.
We this. We that.
Everything kite lah except for the best.
Like demoralizing us.
Then i said to Shahirah,
"wow, my secondary school life is like the exact repeat of my primary school."
Then come back home.
Yes i really cry, tapi i look around my blog,
no one reading also , so nvm lah.
So jyeahh.
Then went to school for usual maths class.
Then i was like thinking like maybe today i want to
stay back with Liyana and study maths with ms Aishah.
Then ah, i did not have the like sorta feeling.
No mood, to like go and study.
So i entered the house,
Then entered my room.
She came, she came she came.
I was like feeling happy already,
And mum helped a lot in like making me feel better.
Thank you mum i love you.
So yah, We watched Kick ass and were ROFLING
So yah.
Ohh, heres the interesting thing that happened to me today.
In maths extra class, Aisha was trying to take out the ink,
So she poked the plastic wrapping with the end of the pen.
Then ink run out.
SOo, i was laughing.
Then she koyak-ed
the other side of the pen.
And it went off.
The tip and the ink part terlepas.
Pe'a pe'a.
So the tip dropped on her skirt.
Then tangan die pon biru.
So i called her the blue girl.
Signing off,
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