This picture explains what i am facing.
Hence i need:
I need to avoid the social wesites.
i agree what Mss Aida said.
It really made a lot of sense.
Haish. I need to do loads of notes.
And alot of TYS questions to practice.
Listening to how Zikkah study every night
makes me so like ,
How to say ah?
Like i feel motivated to do the same.
Except that my body or my brain just does not agree to it.
I need to listen to theoral thiggy, actually i did.
It's actually kind of normal just that the person really
enfasise on the endings and the "ings".
Oh well, i just think that face book ,
blogging, chatting and internet is not so important.
Besides, cutting down on the amount of time i use the
laptop and tv , i will reduce the electrical bills.
But i am wasting paper because of maths....
I want to use exercise book but the teacher won't allow.
So i shall conclude that,
I will only blog when i am free which is on Sunday or Saturday.
But i am not promising you anything at all.
No promises.
Ohh, here's something random.
I feel like going fo a movie marathon..
But you will need lots of cash $$$.
And energyyyy.
Anyone want's to join?
I'm just saying.
Ok readers[if there is any]
Choa sai mother fisher.
Ifffah - kawan, Happy birthday , i know it was yesterday.
Andy - Sorry to not blog.
Elli - Sorry never go out with you on Monday.
Dnt students (Na & ex)- I miss those days, feel like hanging out
with you guys again.
Good bye !
Signing off, Ardyyna